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Qld Labor's decision to cut renters protections is "appalling" - Greens

Greens MP Michael Berkman has slammed Labor’s decision today to exclude residential renters from its tenancy protections after 30 September

Last week I called on the Government to extend its COVID-19 protections for renters, including an evictions ban and rent reductions, until at least 2021 in light of the growing economic recession.

“To find out today that they’re extending the evictions ban for businesses but doing nothing to protect renters is appalling and means the 33% of Queenslanders who rent - 46% in my electorate - could be made homeless at the whim of their landlord next month. 

“I urgently call on Housing Minister De Brenni to explain why Labor thinks it's not important to protect people from homelessness during a pandemic and recession is beyond me. 

“Labor has also extended its $400 million land tax relief for landlords with significant property holdings1 - but apparently they’re happy to let the 40,000+ social housing wait list grow even more.

“Regardless of whether you own, rent, or mortgage your home, you don’t deserve to lose it  just because you’ve fallen on hard times - least of all during a pandemic and an economic recession. 

“JobSeeker and JobKeeper will be cut this month, unemployment is skyrocketing, and the recession is far from over - if we really are ‘all in this together’ then Labor must extend protections for renters.”


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