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Community Support


Police, Fire and Ambulance: 000
SES (for flood or storm damage etc): 132 500
13 HEALTH (non-emergency medical help):13 43 25 84
Policelink non-emergency police contact: 13 14 44
Brisbane City Council 24/7 Service Centre: 3403 8888





Crisis Housing

Anglicare Southern Queensland - Toowong

(07) 3377 3111

Anglicare Southern Queensland offers temporary accommodation and support for people who are experiencing homelessness.

Homeless Hotline

1800 474 753

The Queensland Government Homeless Hotline is a phone information and referral service for people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.

Pindari Women Service - Toowong

(07) 3832 1491

Pindari provides single-room crisis accommodation for women over 18 years old who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

RSL Queensland

134 RSL (134 775)

[email protected] 

RSL Queensland provides emergency accommodation assistance to Queensland veterans.

Disability - Australian Government Disability Advocacy Finder

Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia

1800 818 338

(07) 3637 6000

[email protected]

Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia provides a range of advocacy services.

Amparo Advocacy Inc

3354 4900

[email protected]

AMPARO Advocacy provides advocacy for vulnerable people with disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.

People with Disability Australia

1800 843 929

[email protected]

People with Disability Australia does a range of work including individual advocacy.

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated

1300 130 582

(07) 3844 4200

[email protected]

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) provides systems and legal advocacy for people with disability in Queensland.

Queenslanders with Disability Network

1300 363 783

(07) 3252 8566

[email protected]

Queenslanders with Disability Network has a range of services for people with a disability including supporting local support groups.

Rights in Action

(07) 4031 7377

[email protected]

Rights in Action does a range of work including individual advocacy for people with a disability.

Speaking Up For You

(07) 3255 1244

[email protected]

Speaking Up For You is an independent social advocacy organisation for people with a disability.

Domestic Violence


1800 737 732

1800 Respect is a 24/7 confidential information, counselling and support service.

DV Connect (Domestic Violence Helpline)

Women’s line: 1800 811 811 (24/7)

Men’s line: 1800 600 636
(9am-midnight 7 days)

Sexual assault helpline: 1800 010 120 (7.30am – 11.30pm, 7 days)

DV Connect provides a range of services for people experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence, including emergency transport and accommodation, safety planning, crisis counselling, information and referrals.

Food & Other Emergency Assistance


Communify - The Pantry

(07) 3198 4410

Open on a Monday from 10.30am.

North West Community Hub, 180 Jubilee Terrace, Bardon

The Pantry offers food vouchers, non-perishable food items, bread, fruit and vegetables to people with health care or pension cards.

Red Cross Migration Hub

[email protected]

(07) 3367 7222

The Red Cross Migration Hub provides emergency relief for people seeking asylum who do not have another income.

Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre

Food services:

(07) 3379 6963

[email protected]


(07) 3379 8316

[email protected]

Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre provides food and bread as well as housing services.

Vinnies (St Vincent de Paul Society)

1800 846 643

Vinnie’s Call Centre can connect you with a range of Vinnie’s services including emergency financial assistance, food and furniture. 

Legal Services

Basic Rights Queensland

[email protected]

Social security and disability discrimination advice:

1800 358 511

(07) 3847 5532

Women’s employment issues:

1800 621 458

Basic Rights Queensland operates telephone advice services by appointment.

Caxton Legal Centre

(07) 3214 6333

Caxton Legal Centre provides a wide range of legal services, see here for more info.


Apply for free legal help from the Court & Tribunal Services or Pro Bono Connect service using the online application form.

LawRight provides access to pro bono lawyers.

Legal Aid Queensland

Client Information Service Centre: 1300 65 11 88

Indigenous Information Line: 1300 650 143

Youth Legal Advice Hotline: 1800 LAQ LAQ (1800 527 527)

Legal Aid Queensland provides a range of legal services for financially disadvantaged people.

LGBTI Legal Service

(07) 3124 7160

The LGBTI Legal Service offers free and confidential legal advice to Queensland residents who identify as members of the diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex community.

Office of the Public Guardian

1300 653 187

[email protected]

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is an independent statutory office established to protect adults with impaired decision-making capacity, young people in the child protection system and at other visitable sites such as youth detention centres, disability services or mental health facilities.

Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT)

1300 753 228

Web form for general enquiries.

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes on a range of matters. The tribunal’s purpose is to provide a quick, inexpensive avenue to resolve disputes between parties and make decisions.

Queensland Human Rights Commission

1300 130 670

[email protected]

Formerly the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland. QHRC handles complaints and training on discrimination, vilification, victimisation and sexual harassment, under the Anti-Discrimination Act.

Queensland Law Society - Victim Assist

1300 546 587

[email protected]

Victim Assist Queensland provides information and advice for victims of crime including information about support services, victims’ rights and financial assistance.

Refugee and Immigration Legal Service

(07) 3846 9300

[email protected]

Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS) gives free legal advice in refugee and immigration matters to people living in Queensland.

South Queensland Dispute Resolution Centre

(07) 3738 7000

1800 017 288

[email protected]

The Queensland Government’s dispute resolution centres can help to resolve civil disputes.

Women’s Legal Service QLD

Statewide Legal Advice Helpline: 1800 WLS WLS (1800 957 957)

Rural, Regional and Remote Legal Advice Line: 1800 457 117

Women’s Legal Service provides legal advice helplines for women undergoing hardship in Queensland.

Mental Health

Headspace - Indooroopilly

(07) 3157 1555

17 Station Rd, Indooroopilly QLD 4068

[email protected]

Headspace provides free or low cost counselling and support services for young people aged 12-25.


24/7 Hotline: 13 11 14

Crisis Text (12pm-midnight): 0477 13 11 14

Lifeline is a 24/7 mental health counselling and crisis support hotline.

Mental Health Access Line

1300 MHCALL (1300 642 255)

MHCall is a 24/7 confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.

Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT)

(07) 3235 9059

1800 00 MHRT (1800 006 478)

[email protected]

The Mental Health Review Tribunal is an independent decision making body. The purpose of the Tribunal is to review the involuntary status of persons with a mental illness and/or intellectual disability.


1800 184 527


QLife is a peer support and referral service for LGBTI people, operating 3pm-midnight every day.

Suicide Call-Back Service

1300 659 467

The Suicide Call-Back Service provides 24/7 phone and online counselling.


Anglican Church Indooroopilly - Thread Together

Thread Together is a program that provides free clothes to needy people.

Children by Choice - Counselling, Information and Referral

(07) 3357 5377

1800 177 725

Children by Choice provides counselling for sexual and reproductive health, including pregnancy and contraceptive options.

Taringa Baptist Church- English Conversation Classes

[email protected]

Taringa Baptist Church offers free English classes on Thursdays and Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am (during school terms). Face-to-face or Zoom options available. Register online ahead of attendance. 

Indooroopilly Uniting Church - English Conversation Classes

(07) 3878 9535

[email protected]

Indooroopilly Uniting Church hosts English Conversation Classes on Thursdays 1.30-2.30pm and 4-5pm (during school terms).

Indooroopilly Uniting Church - Refugee Support Group

(07) 3878 9535

[email protected]

The Indooroopilly Uniting Church Asylum Seeker & Refugee Support Group provides practical support to needy asylum seekers and refugees.

International Student Support

1800QSTUDY (1800 778 839)

StudyQueensland’s International Student Support provides a range of services including a hotline for advice and referrals

Kids Helpline

1800 55 1800

Kids Helpline is 24/7 phone counselling service for people aged 5-25 needing support for any reason.

Lucinda House - Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation - Fairfield

(07) 3213 2400

1800 846 643

[email protected]

Lucinda House is a women’s only, residential service which offers a structured program designed to help women recover from the effects of addiction to drugs and alcohol.


1300 744 263

QSTARS is a free independent advice and referral service for Queensland renters.


(07) 3727 2860

[email protected] 

eKindy offers an at home kindergarten program for children who are living in rural and remote areas, travelling or medically unable to attend a local early childhood service, in the year before Prep. The program, delivered through BrisbaneSDE, is supported by qualified early childhood teachers and covers 15 hours of kindergarten for 40 weeks a year (school terms only).