Police, Fire and Ambulance: 000
SES (for flood or storm damage etc): 132 500
13 HEALTH (non-emergency medical help):13 43 25 84
Policelink non-emergency police contact: 13 14 44
Brisbane City Council 24/7 Service Centre: 3403 8888
Service |
Contact |
Details |
Crisis Housing |
(07) 3377 3111 |
Anglicare Southern Queensland offers temporary accommodation and support for people who are experiencing homelessness. |
1800 474 753 |
The Queensland Government Homeless Hotline is a phone information and referral service for people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. |
(07) 3832 1491 |
Pindari provides single-room crisis accommodation for women over 18 years old who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. |
134 RSL (134 775) |
RSL Queensland provides emergency accommodation assistance to Queensland veterans. |
Disability - Australian Government Disability Advocacy Finder |
1800 818 338 (07) 3637 6000 |
Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia provides a range of advocacy services. |
3354 4900 |
AMPARO Advocacy provides advocacy for vulnerable people with disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. |
1800 843 929 |
People with Disability Australia does a range of work including individual advocacy. |
1300 130 582 (07) 3844 4200 |
Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) provides systems and legal advocacy for people with disability in Queensland. |
1300 363 783 (07) 3252 8566 |
Queenslanders with Disability Network has a range of services for people with a disability including supporting local support groups. |
(07) 4031 7377 |
Rights in Action does a range of work including individual advocacy for people with a disability. |
Speaking Up For You is an independent social advocacy organisation for people with a disability. |
Domestic Violence |
1800 737 732 |
1800 Respect is a 24/7 confidential information, counselling and support service. |
Women’s line: 1800 811 811 (24/7) Men’s line: 1800 600 636 Sexual assault helpline: 1800 010 120 (7.30am – 11.30pm, 7 days) |
DV Connect provides a range of services for people experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence, including emergency transport and accommodation, safety planning, crisis counselling, information and referrals. |
Food & Other Emergency Assistance |
(07) 3198 4410 Open on a Monday from 10.30am. North West Community Hub, 180 Jubilee Terrace, Bardon |
The Pantry offers food vouchers, non-perishable food items, bread, fruit and vegetables to people with health care or pension cards. |
(07) 3367 7222 |
The Red Cross Migration Hub provides emergency relief for people seeking asylum who do not have another income. |
Food services: (07) 3379 6963 Housing: (07) 3379 8316 |
Sherwood Neighbourhood Centre provides food and bread as well as housing services. |
1800 846 643 |
Vinnie’s Call Centre can connect you with a range of Vinnie’s services including emergency financial assistance, food and furniture. |
Legal Services |
Social security and disability discrimination advice: 1800 358 511 (07) 3847 5532 Women’s employment issues: 1800 621 458 |
Basic Rights Queensland operates telephone advice services by appointment. |
(07) 3214 6333 |
Caxton Legal Centre provides a wide range of legal services, see here for more info. |
Apply for free legal help from the Court & Tribunal Services or Pro Bono Connect service using the online application form. |
LawRight provides access to pro bono lawyers. |
Client Information Service Centre: 1300 65 11 88 Indigenous Information Line: 1300 650 143 Youth Legal Advice Hotline: 1800 LAQ LAQ (1800 527 527) |
Legal Aid Queensland provides a range of legal services for financially disadvantaged people. |
(07) 3124 7160 |
The LGBTI Legal Service offers free and confidential legal advice to Queensland residents who identify as members of the diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex community. |
1300 653 187 |
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is an independent statutory office established to protect adults with impaired decision-making capacity, young people in the child protection system and at other visitable sites such as youth detention centres, disability services or mental health facilities. |
1300 753 228 |
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes on a range of matters. The tribunal’s purpose is to provide a quick, inexpensive avenue to resolve disputes between parties and make decisions. |
1300 130 670 |
Formerly the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland. QHRC handles complaints and training on discrimination, vilification, victimisation and sexual harassment, under the Anti-Discrimination Act. |
1300 546 587 |
Victim Assist Queensland provides information and advice for victims of crime including information about support services, victims’ rights and financial assistance. |
(07) 3846 9300 |
Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS) gives free legal advice in refugee and immigration matters to people living in Queensland. |
(07) 3738 7000 1800 017 288 |
The Queensland Government’s dispute resolution centres can help to resolve civil disputes. |
Statewide Legal Advice Helpline: 1800 WLS WLS (1800 957 957) Rural, Regional and Remote Legal Advice Line: 1800 457 117 |
Women’s Legal Service provides legal advice helplines for women undergoing hardship in Queensland. |
Mental Health |
(07) 3157 1555 17 Station Rd, Indooroopilly QLD 4068 |
Headspace provides free or low cost counselling and support services for young people aged 12-25. |
24/7 Hotline: 13 11 14 Crisis Text (12pm-midnight): 0477 13 11 14 |
Lifeline is a 24/7 mental health counselling and crisis support hotline. |
1300 MHCALL (1300 642 255) |
MHCall is a 24/7 confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders. |
(07) 3235 9059 1800 00 MHRT (1800 006 478) |
The Mental Health Review Tribunal is an independent decision making body. The purpose of the Tribunal is to review the involuntary status of persons with a mental illness and/or intellectual disability. |
1800 184 527 |
QLife is a peer support and referral service for LGBTI people, operating 3pm-midnight every day. |
1300 659 467 |
The Suicide Call-Back Service provides 24/7 phone and online counselling. |
Other |
Thread Together is a program that provides free clothes to needy people. |
(07) 3357 5377 1800 177 725 |
Children by Choice provides counselling for sexual and reproductive health, including pregnancy and contraceptive options. |
Taringa Baptist Church offers free English classes on Thursdays and Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am (during school terms). Face-to-face or Zoom options available. Register online ahead of attendance. |
(07) 3878 9535 |
Indooroopilly Uniting Church hosts English Conversation Classes on Thursdays 1.30-2.30pm and 4-5pm (during school terms). |
(07) 3878 9535 |
The Indooroopilly Uniting Church Asylum Seeker & Refugee Support Group provides practical support to needy asylum seekers and refugees. |
1800QSTUDY (1800 778 839) |
StudyQueensland’s International Student Support provides a range of services including a hotline for advice and referrals |
1800 55 1800 |
Kids Helpline is 24/7 phone counselling service for people aged 5-25 needing support for any reason. |
(07) 3213 2400 1800 846 643 |
Lucinda House is a women’s only, residential service which offers a structured program designed to help women recover from the effects of addiction to drugs and alcohol. |
1300 744 263 |
QSTARS is a free independent advice and referral service for Queensland renters. |
(07) 3727 2860 |
eKindy offers an at home kindergarten program for children who are living in rural and remote areas, travelling or medically unable to attend a local early childhood service, in the year before Prep. The program, delivered through BrisbaneSDE, is supported by qualified early childhood teachers and covers 15 hours of kindergarten for 40 weeks a year (school terms only). |