Greens MP Michael Berkman has called on the Labor State Government to come clean about state-owned company Sunwater’s dealings with Adani (AKA Bravus).
Berkman pressed the Sunwater Chief Executive about Adani during Estimates hearings on Wednesday evening, but he refused to provide any details of the relationship, including whether current contracts are in place to provide water for the controversial Carmichael coal mine.
Michael Berkman:
“Our publicly owned water provider should not be supplying water to the crooks at Adani, especially for their climate-wrecking coal mine, let alone in secret.
“This government is absolutely complicit in Adani’s destruction. They approved its groundwater plan despite clear risks Adani would irreversibly drain the ancient Doongmabulla Springs, now they’re refusing to rule out supplying the water themselves after Adani’s alternative plan was successfully challenged in court.
“Queenslanders deserve to know how much water Adani’s getting, for what price, where that water’s coming from, and what it’s being used for.
“I’m pretty sick of the government hiding behind ‘commercial-in-confidence’ as an excuse to avoid basic transparency, particularly on a project like this with such significant public interest.”