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New school for the west side

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Maiwar desperately needs a new school to properly address overcrowding. And after years of campaigning, in July 2020 we finally received a commitment from the State government for a new primary school in the inner west. While the initial proposed opening date was in 2023, this has now been delayed as a site hasn’t yet been identified for the school. You can find out more about the locations previously considered here.

In late 2023 the State Government sought registrations of interest to identify options for the new school, including from developers and investors willing to work with the Government to provide land, help deliver new infrastructure or repurpose existing facilities. I'm sceptical of public-private partnerships for public education. But I really want to see progress on the new school, so I’m continuing to work with the Department to ensure it continues and that the process is transparent, consultative and delivers an outcome with strong community support. 

Ideally, I’m pushing for a site near to where Taringa State School was (before being sold off in 1997), that’s close to the train station and other public transport links. I’ve discussed a few options with the department, including a smaller school at the Tricare site, a site next to the Taringa train station that could incorporate much-needed accessibility upgrades, or the former Woolies site in Toowong. If you have an idea for a new school site that’s big enough to allow buildings and play space, close to public transport, and doesn’t result in a loss of public green space, let me know via email at [email protected]. You can also directly email the project team with any questions or concerns at [email protected].

In my view, the Government should acquire private land, rather than repurposing existing public space.

In the meantime, I’ve also been able to secure upgrades to existing schools including Indooroopilly State School and Toowong State School, to improve capacity while we work on a new school.

New school quick links: