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A future beyond coal and gas

UPDATE: On 13 February 2024, Labor and the LNP voted together to reject the Greens' Queensland Climate Transition Bill. You can read the transcript of the debate from page 97 of Hansard here.

One day later, however, the Labor Government introduced a bill to raise emissions reduction targets to 75% by 2035 - just short of the 75% by 2030 target in our bill. Although this is a great step forward, Labor is still approving new coal and gas, so we know it's crucial we keep the pressure on. 

In March 2023 I introduced the Queensland Climate Transition Bill to Parliament. The bill:

  • Bans new coal, oil and gas resources projects in Queensland
  • Sets a 75% emissions reduction target by 2030, to reach net zero by 2035
  • Legislates a target to phase out fossil fuel exports by 2030
  • Creates a new Queensland Climate Transition Authority, to consult and work with affected workers and communities on a fair transition plan

You can read the Bill here, and the Explanatory Notes here. My introductory speech is here

Queensland is both a major contributor to the climate crisis and on the frontlines of some of its worst impacts. People in our community who lived through the 2022 floods (or the 2011 floods) know that only too well. We also know that fossil fuels are on the way out globally, and denying this won’t put food on anyone’s plate. 

I asked Labor to get on board with a climate action plan that is consistent with the science, and gives every fossil fuel worker free reskilling and a guaranteed job at the same or equal pay.


After the 2022 Federal Election, the State Government finally agreed to urgently transition Queensland’s energy system to renewables, with a job guarantee for power station workers. 

Then, ahead of the 2024 State election, incoming Premier Miles announced they would finally increase their emissions reduction targets from levels on par with the former Morrison Government's.

These are big steps forward after years of pressure from the Greens, unions, environmental organisations, business groups, economists and scientists… but there are a few big problems:

  1. They’re still approving new coal and gas
  2. Their plan doesn’t include workers in the mining and exports sector
  3. Their targets still aren't aligned with the science or the Paris Agreement

Our State Government has a responsibility to follow the science. And the science is clear: we can’t afford new coal and gas, and to meet our Paris Agreement obligations and secure a clear future for Queensland, we need a plan to phase out fossil fuel exports by 2030.