Friday 24 May 2019
Queensland Labor’s fast-tracked three week timeline for a decision on Adani’s scientific water and wildlife plans trashes advice of Australia’s leading scientists.
Queensland Greens MP and former environmental lawyer Michael Berkman said:
“This decision risks the Great Artesian Basin by putting Labor’s internal meltdown ahead of proper science.
“The Lake Eyre Basin Springs Assessment Report and the State Coordinator General’s own approval in 2014 called for new on-ground surveys to find the source of the ancient and sacred Doongmabulla Springs.
“Five years later Adani still has not done those surveys.
“Once groundwater springs are damaged, we will never get them back.
“The federal LNP bypassed the CSIRO and Geoscience Australia’s advice to approve Adani’s groundwater plan, and now Labor look set to do the same.
“This fast-tracked timeline may even put any Adani approval at risk of legal challenge.
“Even if Queensland Labor approves these plans, Adani’s mine still faces two court challenges, has no building contractor, royalties deal or insurance, and they lack approval for their rail line and water pipeline.
“Queensland Labor can keep fighting for Adani, or they can join us in fighting for real jobs, housing and justice for coal workers and coal towns."
Media contact: Abe O’Neill 0439 758 860