During Estimates hearings on Wednesday 24 July 2024, I asked the Director of Economic Development Queensland about the development agreement with Walker Corporation relating to Toondah Harbour.
You can read my question and her full response below, or in the official Parliamentary record of proceedings (Hansard) here.
CHAIR: I know the member for Maiwar has a question for the director of EDQ. Member for Maiwar, you have one minute.
Mr BERKMAN: My question relates to the Walker Corporation’s Toondah Harbour proposal, which I am sure you are aware was withdrawn from the EPBC approvals process after its proposed refusal. Under the development agreement signed in 2016, and any other related deeds of variation, what obligations does the government have to allow Walker Corporation exclusive development rights on land within the Toondah Harbour PDA? Is there anything in that development agreement that prohibits the government from revoking or amending the PDA?
Ms McNamara: I thank the member for the question. Could you repeat the first part for me?
Mr BERKMAN: Does the development agreement, or any deeds of variation, provide Walker group with an ongoing, exclusive right to development of the Toondah Harbour PDA?
Ms McNamara: Thank you, member, for the question. The development agreement was entered into between Economic Development Queensland, the Walker group, Redlands City Council and Redland Investment Corporation. The development agreement remains on foot. The terms of that agreement dictate the way in which that development is brought forward. Within the terms of that agreement, there are certain components that Walker has to adhere to to bring forward the development in the Toondah Harbour. That is how I would characterise the terms of the development agreement.
CHAIR: Sorry, we have run out of time. Did you have a quick comment?
Mr BERKMAN: The second limb of that question was specifically whether there is anything in that development agreement that prohibits the government from revoking or amending the PDA.
Ms McNamara: The management of the PDA, which is a regulatory function under EDQ, is a separate function that we deliver which is governed under the terms of the Economic Development Act.