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Maiwar - St Lucia Doorknock (Sat PM)

We know that the LNP are furious about losing this area to the Greens, and we've seen that they are gearing up to challenge us. We can guarantee that they will spend big trying to discredit Michael as we get closer to the election. We don't have millions of dollars to throw at elections - what we have is ordinary people who are willing to go out and chat to their neighbours.

Doorknocking is the most effect way of changing votes and minds. If we can connect with enough people in our community, we will give folks the information they need to see through the attack ads the LNP are sure to throw at Michael. Join us as we chat to our neighbours about the things that matter to them.

I'm new:

All new doorknockers will be paired with an experienced doorknocker, so there’s no pressure to even say anything at your first doorknock if you don't want to. Come and see how it's done.

What to bring:

Bring a hat and sunscreen for the sun and an umbrella for the rain.

The event will be going ahead rain or shine - we find that doorknocking in wet weather is even more effective because so many people are at home!

October 19, 2024 at 2:00pm - 5pm
St Lucia
St Lucia, QLD
Google map and directions
Nicola · 0421556236

Will you come?