Revive Qld Manufacturing
- Build a publicly owned solar panel factory in Townsville and wind turbine factory in Rockhampton to lay the foundations for a thriving renewable manufacturing industry in North and Central Queensland capable of manufacturing a combined 500MW of wind and solar capacity per year by 2023, creating local 1,500 jobs a year.
- Build a prototype green steel manufacturing plant in Gladstone aiming to begin production within 5 years providing the foundation to establish a green steel industry that will create 15,000 good, secure jobs.
- Establish a Queensland Manufacturing Authority with $1 billion of seed funding to provide low interest loans and grants to fund clean energy manufacturing projects in Queensland.
Invest in Crucial Public Infrastructure
- Build 100,000 public homes over the next four years, tackling the housing crisis and create 20,248 good full time jobs a year.
- Create an average of 23,000 jobs a year building publicly owned renewable energy. We'll build 20,000MW of publicly owned wind, solar, and energy storage, including utility batteries and pumped hydro, over the next four years.
Fully Fund Public Health & Education
Fully fund Queensland state schools with an extra $7 billion over 4 years for smaller class sizes, 6,000 more teachers and better resources
Hire 6,500 more nurses and 3,000 more doctors
- Build 200 public health clinics with bulk billing GPs to ease pressure on hospitals
Our Recovery Plan is Fully Funded and Costed
Queensland is a wealthy state but Labor's decision to freeze mining royalties means ordinary people will pay for this crisis. Over the last 10 years mining corporations have exported over $480 billion in resources but only paid 7% in royalties. While banks and developers made billions in profit. So the Greens think big corporations should pay. Here’s how:
Increase mining royalties to raise $55 billion over four years
Introduce a 0.05% levy on the big banks to raise $4.6 billion over four years
- Tax developers on land value gains from rezoning, reducing corruption and raising $7.8 billion over four years.