Greens Co-Deputy Leader Larissa Waters and Queensland Greens Member for Maiwar Michael Berkman have called on the Queensland Government to rule out a delayed royalty plan for Adani after the deadline for an agreement passed.
Greens Member for Maiwar Michael Berkman said:
“This special deal for a coal billionaire is an immoral and stupid distraction.
“Every day that Labor aren’t working on a detailed, well-funded transition plan for coal workers and coal towns is a day wasted.
“Under both Labor and the LNP, it’s jail time for peaceful protestors and secret special deals for coal billionaires.”
Greens Co-Deputy Leader Larissa Waters said:
“Today I’m calling on Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to stop using public money to prop up Adani’s climate-wrecking Carmichael coal mine.
“Who else gets to not pay their bills for years? Why is there a special deal for a coal company that has a very questionable track record, in an industry cooking our planet?
“Every dollar of taxpayer subsidy for Adani’s polluting coal mine is money better spent on schools, hospitals and building community resilience to global warming.
“Our state has just suffered catastrophic bushfires weeks out from Winter and yet our state government is potentially throwing hundreds of millions of taxpayer money into and industry fuelling more intense and frequent bushfires for decades to come.
“This delay is an opportunity for the Queensland Government to listen to the science and put a moratorium on any new coal mines, while investing in a just transition for coal workers and affected communities.
“It must side with what’s right for the community and planet rather than letting donations tip the balance towards the vested interests of mining,” she said.