During Estimates hearings on Wednesday 31 July 2024, I asked the Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Multicultural Affairs for an update in relation to the residents at the Forensic Disability Service accommodation.
You can read my questions and their full responses below, or in the official Parliamentary record of proceedings (Hansard) here.
Mr BERKMAN: This has almost become an annual update on the FDS. Can we get an update on the state of play in the Forensic Disability Service? The first question is: how many residents are currently in the FDS?
Mrs MULLEN: Thank you, member, for your question in relation to the FDS. My understanding is that, as at 30 June, there are four clients detained to the service with ongoing treatment, care, support and protection provided to support them. There are four clients at this time.
Mr BERKMAN: Are you able to provide any general information—I am working on the assumption that the client known as ‘Adrian’ remains one of those patients. First of all, is that the case? Beyond that, how long have those other three clients been resident in the FDS?
Mrs MULLEN: I do not believe that we would be able to discuss those in detail. I apologise.
CHAIR: No. I do not think that would be appropriate. Member, the numbers are too small and identification is an issue.
Mr BERKMAN: With respect, Chair, these are issues that have been canvassed quite specifically in previous years. I note that Mr Matthew Lupi is here with us at the hearing today and has been able to provide quite detailed information in previous estimates hearings.
CHAIR: I will take some advice. I will allow the minister to answer as she sees fit.
Mrs MULLEN: I do think those numbers are quite small and I do think they would identify details about each of those individual clients, so I think we want to be very careful about what information we provide to the member. As the minister, I would not feel comfortable to be releasing that information publicly at this time.
I can provide you with some information. As I indicated, there are four clients that remain detained to the service. One of these clients resides in the community as part of a structured and planned transition and remains the responsibility of the FDS, living in a new purpose-built step-up step-down
accommodation. In addition, two clients have successfully transitioned from the service in 2023 and are now supported by an NDIS funded NGO. One client is in independent housing and one client is living in a new purpose-built step-up step-down accommodation service.