In Parliamentary Estimates on Thursday 10 December 2020, I asked about and received confirmation that the government would rule out changing the boundary of the Moreton Bay Ramsar Wetland.
You can read the full answer below or in the official Queensland Parliament Record of Proceedings (Hansard).
Mr BERKMAN: The Guardian reported last week that the federal government had written to the Queensland government suggesting collaboration to delist part of the Moreton Bay Ramsar wetland for the Toondah Harbour development. Will the minister rule out endorsing any change to the boundary of the Moreton Bay Ramsar wetland to facilitate this development?
Ms SCANLON: I thank the member for the question. I am not sure how it is relevant to the SDS. It is probably a question relating to another portfolio as well.
CHAIR: I know where you are going with this, but I have to say that under standing order 181 questions have to be relevant to the budget. You are seeking an answer about something in the future. Can you pull it back to something around the budget, please?
Mr BERKMAN: Certainly. Officers of the department, I understand, are involved in decision-making that relates to any changes to the boundaries of Ramsar listed areas. Minister, will the government rule out endorsing any change to the boundary of the Moreton Bay Ramsar wetland?
CHAIR: This is a hypothetical—
Ms SCANLON: Chair, I am more than happy to answer the question. We have already ruled out changes to the boundary.