In Parliamentary estimates hearings on Wednesday 9 December 2020, I asked about the funding for new teaching positions.
You can read the answer below or in the official Queensland Parliament Record of Proceedings (Hansard).
Mr BERKMAN: Going now to the election commitment that is in the budget for 6,190 new teachers and 1,139 new teacher aides over the next four years, I am just trying to understand the details of this. In particular, how many of those positions will be replacing staff who are retiring or resigning? I put that question to the director-general.
Mr Cook: I thank the member for the question. In relation to the teachers, the 6,190 or so number that you were talking about—is that correct?
Mr BERKMAN: That is right.
Mr Cook: Some 4,000 of those are replacing teachers who might be retiring or taking leave. Some 2,190 of those are what we call parameters growth, so that is additional teachers in classrooms. The total cost of that is $2.05 billion.
CHAIR: Thanks, Director-General. I call the member for Hinchinbrook.
Mr BERKMAN: Sorry, but in relation to teacher aides?
CHAIR: No, member; the call is with the member for Hinchinbrook.
Mr DAMETTO: I am happy for him to go forward but—
CHAIR: Sorry? You do not have a question?
Ms GRACE: We can do the teacher aides quickly.
CHAIR: Okay; thank you, Minister.
Mr Cook: In relation to teacher aides, there are 800 of what we call replenishment for teacher aides who might be retiring. Some 340 would be what we call the parameters growth. The total cost of that is $219.3 million.
Ms GRACE: Member for Maiwar, obviously these are based on recent history in terms of what we have had to do. That could fluctuate depending on what it is, but we are sure that we will get to those numbers based on historical data.
Mr BERKMAN: Thank you.