During Parliamentary Budget Estimates on Tuesday 10 August 2021, I asked what transition plans the Government was making for workers in coal-fired power stations if they closed early due to low revenue.
You can read the answer below or in the official Queensland Parliament Record of Proceedings (Hansard).
Mr BERKMAN: Director-General, with reference to the relatively frequent unplanned outages occurring at government owned coal and gas-fired power stations and the fact as set out in budget paper 2 that profits are set to disappear within a year or two, what work is the department doing to prepare to support workers at those power stations if they do ultimately end up having to close early?
Mr Purtill: I am not 100 per cent sure of the relevance to this portfolio. It is probably more an industrial matter, but I can certainly assure you that as part of the energy plan, for example, we are looking at a whole raft of issues that are not just around, if you like, the pure portfolio responsibilities of Minister de Brenni but right across government—all of the issues that might emanate out of developing up what would be the blueprint for the next 10 years for the energy plan.