As you probably know, Maiwar is getting a new school! As the MP, I’ve spent years meeting with local P&Cs, collecting petition signatures, raising this in Parliament, and working with the Education Minister to secure this investment. I'm so excited that they've listened to the community and will invest in this crucial public asset and tackle school overcrowding.
With the school scheduled to open on the first day of 2023, the Department of Education has started their consultation including an online survey and a few “drop in” sessions at the end of February.
While these drop in sessions will be a useful opportunity to directly relay thoughts to the Department, residents won’t have the opportunity to hear from each other, consider different perspectives and collaborate on alternative ideas.
In addition to the Department’s consultation, I’m hosting a town-hall style meeting. Everyone is welcome to come and share, and hear from each other. Registration is essential, so please RSVP on this page.
We’ll be observing social distancing and this is a COVID-safe event. Please stay home if you are sick.
More information:
The Department has proposed building a new primary school on the site of Indooroopilly State High School, likely on the western side at the corner of Ward St and Canarvon St. It seems obvious the government wants to build on this site because it will be cheaper and easier for them to meet the Minister’s January 2023 deadline.
There are some significant issues with the ISHS site, so I have asked the Department to continue the search. The issues with the ISHS site include:
- Local concerns about keeping access to the ISHS oval outside school hours and access to green space. Right now, the Department's plans don't include building on the ovals, but this is still a major worry for residents.
- Extra traffic at peak times in an area which already has significant congestion. The existing congestion seems to be largely attributable to the three existing non-government schools, but ISHS students and staff also have an impact.
My position is that doing this right is more important than doing it quickly.
Securing the best location will help our community for decades, so I have urged the government to make sure we don't rush the process for the sake of sticking to the Minister's deadline.
The ISHS is the only location the Department has proposed publicly, but they have looked at a few other locations. At my request the Department has agreed to publish a list of the other sites they are considering.
You can read more about my thoughts on the proposal, including my guiding principles for site selection here:
Other pop-up office events
I know this time of night can be difficult for parents with young kids, so I’m also going to be holding two pop up offices in the next couple of weeks in the mornings. You can register for those here, if you’d prefer to have a chat over a coffee: