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New LNP environment minister confirms climate “sceptic” views in Question Time

Queensland Greens MP Michael Berkman says the LNP’s new Environment Minister Andrew Powell’s climate sceptic views are anti-science and dangerous for Queensland.

In response to Berkman’s questioning in Parliament, Powell said today that he “stands by” his previous comments that he’s “always going to be a bit sceptical” about anthropogenic climate change, until he is “100% convinced of the human population’s role in the climate changing”.

Powell made these comments to the ABC and the Brisbane Times when, as Newman’s Environment Minister, he cut the Office of Climate Change in 2012. Berkman was working in that department at the time and was made redundant as a result.

Quotes attributable to Michael Berkman, Greens MP for Maiwar:

“These are deeply concerning and dangerous anti-science views, especially for an environment minister. 

“This man undid years of work on reducing Queensland’s carbon emissions because he’s a climate denier, and now that he’s at the helm of the Environment Department again he says his views haven’t changed. 

“Newman and Powell didn’t believe climate change is real so they abolished the Office of Climate Change. Losing that job was one of the key reasons I decided to enter politics and fight for climate action. 

“God help us if Dutton gets in federally, and we have even more LNP climate deniers running the show. 

“Within weeks of becoming premier Crisafulli has abolished the Department of Energy and Climate Change and cut major renewables projects. 

“I recognise this government from personal experience of the cuts and the climate denialism: this is Newman reincarnate.”

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