Greens MPs Michael Berkman and Amy MacMahon have responded to the Queensland Government’s 2020-21 Budget by slamming the lack of investment in public services and infrastructure like social housing, and the decision to forego crucial mining revenue with a royalties freeze.
MP for Maiwar Michael Berkman:
“I wouldn’t be bragging that Queensland has lower debt than other states when we also have the second highest child poverty rates in the country and 40,000 people on the waiting list for social housing.
“When Labor says ‘no new taxes’, they really mean no new taxes for their mates in the banking, and mining and property industry – instead they’ve outsourced those taxes to ordinary people who’ll pay in higher school fees, wage cuts and underfunded essential services like health and public transport.”
“Queenslanders are losing royalties revenue and instead of making those big mining corporations pay a little more to share our state’s wealth with ordinary people, Labor’s given them a tax break.
“This budget is Labor’s way of repaying those big banks and mining corporations for funding their election campaign - it’s not a budget for the Queenslanders who are really struggling.”
MP for South Brisbane Amy MacMahon:
“The absence of a bold public housing strategy to create jobs and homes is astounding when we have 40,000 people on the social housing wait list.
“Other states like Victoria are investing in social housing but Labor’s budget has no new money for social housing; they’re still planning to build only 470 homes this year which is about 2% of the current waiting list.
“They’re spending more money on prisons than homes in this budget - I think that tells you a lot about Labor’s priorities.
“As I said in my first speech today, Queensland is a wealthy state. Massive multinational corporations can afford to pay a bit more in royalties, but Queenslanders can’t afford four more years of underinvestment in schools, hospitals and essential public infrastructure.”