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Estimates: Amazon Frogbit and Barron River Hydro

During Estimates hearings on Tuesday 30 July 2024, I asked the Director General of the Department of Energy and Climate about management of Amazon frogbit in respect of the Barron River Hydro project but did not receive a response. 

You can read my question and his full response below, or in the official Parliamentary record of proceedings (Hansard) here

Mr BERKMAN: I want to move on to a different issue in relation to CleanCo’s Barron River hydro project. Am I able to put questions directly to the CleanCo CEO? 

CHAIR: That was the previous session. 

Mr BERKMAN: Excellent. I will put it to the DG and try my chances. I understand that CleanCo has had to work along with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Indigenous rangers to actively manage the Amazon frogbit. This might sound a little obscure, but it is an invasive aquatic plant that is being managed in the Barron River as it has blocked intake pipes for the Barron Gorge hydro power station. Is that something you are able to address, Director-General? Specifically, what was the total cost for CleanCo in repairing, maintaining and whatever mitigation work was associated with protecting that station? 

Mr Martyn: I would like to be able to help you but unfortunately I am not. CleanCo would have been able to answer that question in the previous hearing. It is an operational matter for them. 


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